Monday, August 15, 2011


BE RICH QUICK USING CREDIT CARD. So you want to get rich quick, but you have credit card debt so you can not pay their crazy. Do you realize you're in an enviable position along with millions of others, except we never know what you'll discover?

Have you noticed that the economy has turned upside down and things that once could count as a job gone? Even experts like Warren Buffett says that this recession will last many years so the question is what are you going to use their seemingly hopeless position to make a lot of money and get out of debt at the same time?

If you're willing to spend some time and get a cheap digital recorder at the pawn shop can achieve financial wealth and freedom from debt for the rest of his life. The only difficult part is a small learning curve, but once you learn that your life will never be the same!

Full understanding of the world of dreams you've been living in can be found using the search term, "the concert is for the money, the Federal Reserve," presented at the University of Colorado School of Law. It is a history lesson that will lay the foundation for the wealth that comes your way!

Unfortunately no "college graduate Gig" T-shirts there, but it certainly would be a real conversation piece announcing to the world that you understand how our system works imaginary money. Moving on to step two, use the search term "video FTC debt," which will explain the legal basis to become rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Now for the most difficult transition of all, you should turn to their "fear" of debt collectors in a "I'm so happy he called" mentality. Just use your digital recorder you have and said that the collector "I am (your name) and I'll be recording this call" to get the ball rolling. Never give anything a collector other than your name.

Collectors thrilled when they deliver your money or give them access to information for your checking account so they can clean your clock and it is this refusal to cooperate with them to take you to the big money.

Use search terms such as "Man wins $ 1.5 million collector" or "collector sues woman wins $ 8.1 million" to get an idea of ​​the possibilities. Small violations can be used for your account is marked as "paid as agreed" in exchange for not filing a lawsuit. You may even want to use those recordings you have to force some money from the collector to explain how much money we'll save if you pay immediately and close your account!

You have learned a most valuable history lesson that places beyond the normal citizen and know how to get rich quickly with credit card debt you have and can not pay. It may not even have considered it a valuable service that would do for our country by actually reducing the national debt. Think about it.


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  2. I had read somewhere that "If you are rich, you have to be an idiot not to stay rich. And if you are poor, you have to be really smart to get rich.” This makes sense, most of the rich people nowadays are self made billionaire who use their head to be on top and to stay on the top.
